I have discovered that the landscape of search engine optimization providers varies greatly in terms of technique and efficacy. Throughout my career, I have inherited numerous accounts and positions where part of my responsibilities involved assuming SEO Campaign Management. Whether I conducted the work myself or managed SEO providers, my efforts have consistently yielded a significant increase in value for my employers, their clients, as well as my own clients.
My approach to SEO always commences with a comprehensive analysis, enabling me to identify key areas for improvement and craft a well-structured proposal that includes actionable suggestions for moving forward. Each month, I provide meaningful reports that demonstrate performance and include narrative with suggestions for moving forward.
I have also implemented ROI attribution systems for companies that attribute revenue to specific marketing tactics.
Allow me to share a few examples of my accomplishments in SEO Campaign Management:
- For a plastic surgeon, I achieved revenue milestones comparable to years 5 to 10 based on industry averages, all within the first year of implementing SEO.
- In the case of a 40+ year old pool construction company, I managed SEO campaigns to contribute to a remarkable 300% increase in business during their initial peak season and beyond.
- A 30+ year old real estate business experienced an impressive 40% continuous growth in sales thanks to my SEO strategies.
- I helped an ad agency secure top 3 rankings for numerous competitive keywords in different cities.
- Additionally, I aided a behavioral health company in securing top 3 national rankings for highly coveted keywords in their industry, as well as local top 3 rankings for dozens of competitive keyword phrases.
While I am more than willing to collaborate with your existing SEO provider on an hourly basis, I also offer my own turn-key and scalable SEO Campaign Management programs, which have a remarkable track record of generating substantial returns.
It’s crucial to mention that my SEO Campaign Management programs are not designed to merely save costs but to ensure a tangible return on your investment. If you are genuinely serious about SEO and wish to explore my proven programs further, I invite you to reach out. Let’s discuss your goals in detail.